Note: This article is for users with university-owned Windows computers who have not yet installed Endpoint Protector (EPP). This article will go through replacing the existing Dell Endpoint Encryption (DEE) software that may already be installed. Those that have previously encrypted removable media drives with DEE should take special care to backup their data before proceeding
By following the steps of this article, it will walk you through:
- Acquiring the utilities necessary to perform these steps
- Assisting with migrating existing encrypted external media using OneDrive
- Reformatting the external media to prepare for EPP
- Removal of the Dell Encryption (DEE) software (if currently installed)
- Installing Endpoint Protector
Step 1 - Acquisition of the Necessary Files using Software Center
This section is required for the success of the rest of the steps in this article.
First, search for and open Software Center on your Windows Device

Once Software Center is open, select the Uninstall Dell Encryption and Install Endpoint Protector program, then click "Install"

After the files are downloaded, this article's webpage will open. You will now be using the Dell Uninstall Wizard going forward.
Important: Before clicking 'Start' on the pop-up utility make sure you use the Migration Assistant, instructions included in Step 2, to migrate existing encrypted media if needed.

Step 2 - Using the Migration Assistant
This section is optional if you do not have any encrypted external media. If you do not have any encrypted exernal media, please proceed to step four after clicking "Start" in the Uninstall Wizard.
After clicking the "Migration Assistant" button, the utility will put a Migration Assistant shortcut on your desktop.
Search for and click the Migration Assistant Icon on your desktop to launch it.
Insert the Dell encrypted drive and access it with the password to unlock the media.
In the Media Migration Assistant that has opened, select the drive from the drop-down menu. If the drive is not listed in the drop-down menu select the 'Refresh' button and try again.
Before performing a move to OneDrive, make sure OneDrive has been setup using the
instructions in the beginning of this article if you choose to use that option. You also have the option of choosing a custom path within OneDrive if the default is not appropriate.
Once you have selected the drive in the drop-down, click migrate and information regarding the move will be shown in the Migration Status box. Once the files have been moved it will ask you to confirm if the files were indeed moved to OneDrive or the provided location once completed.
For OneDrive, you can check the files by opening File Explorer and going to -> OneDrive - University of Oklahoma -> External Drive Migration
When you are satisfied that your files have been migrated over to OneDrive, click "Close" in the Migration Assistant window.
Step 3 - Reformatting External Drives to Prepare for Endpoint Protector
There are multiple ways to reformat media but the important part is to make sure all the files have been moved from the external media as they will be wiped during the reformat. Please follow step two to use the Migration Assistant or copy files from the drive before performing this step.
For our examples, we will go over using File Explorer to format the external media. Once File Explorer is open, right click the external media and select "Format..." from the menu

Follow the instructions on-screen and click "Start", again this will DELETE all files so make sure you have followed previous steps and have selected the proper drive.

Once the format is completed you will get the following popup. Click OK on the Format Complete box.
IMPORTANT: Click "NO" on the Dell Encryption box that will open after.

Finally, we are finished with your external media, please make sure it is unplugged from the system until Endpoint Protector is installed and you are ready to re-encrypt the device
Step 4 - Removing Dell Encryption (DEE) software
Back at the Dell Uninstall Wizard, we can now select "Start" to remove Dell Encryption

The following prompt will make sure you are ready to move forward with the removal.

The Progress Box will keep you informed of what it is doing. In this instance, "Uninstalling Dell Encryption.... This may take a while."

Step 5 - Installation of Endpoint Protector
After Dell Encryption is uninstalled, the Progress Box will immediately switch to Installing Endpoint Protector

Once everything is done the Progress Box will say Process Complete and the Cancel button will say Done. Click it to close the Window.

Software Center will now prompt you to restart the computer. Clicking Restart will give you one final confirmation before your computer is restarted.

Once restarted you are ready to re-encrypt external media. Please do not re-insert your external media until you are ready to have it be re-encrypted.
You can find steps and frequently asked questions of using the Endpoint Protector - EasyLock application to encrypt external media in the article linked here: