Managing your Distribution List (DL) or Security Group at

OU Distribution List and Security Group Owners may manage the memberships for their groups at  

  • A Distribution List (DL) is a single email address that can be used to distribute an email sent to it to several people. For example, an email sent to "" will be delivered to the inbox of every member of that DL.
  • A Security Group is a group that can be used to control access to certain services. Security groups may or may not have an associated email address. A common use at OU for security groups is to control access to shared mailboxes often used by departments or student organizations. When a member is added to a specific group that has certain privileges (for example, a group might have access to a shared mailbox), that member will inherit the permission/access provided to the group.
  • A Listserv is a separate emailing service available at For more information, visit the What is a Listserv? or Manage a Listserv articles.  

The steps below outline how to make these changes to Distribution Lists and Security Groups.

  1. To manage your Distribution List or Security Group, please visit in your internet browser.
  2. Log in using your OUNetID or HSC Username and password. 
    • Please note - only faculty/staff members may log into this site to manage group membership. 
    • Exception/Affiliate/Sponsored accounts are not able to log into this site. 
  3. Authenticate with PingID multi-factor authentication. For more information on Ping MFA, please see the Ping MFA Information article.
  4. Search the name of the group you would like to edit by clicking on the magnifying glass icon, entering the name of the group, then clicking the magnifying glass again.
    • Distribtution List (referred to on this site as distribution group) - use the name or email address of your distribution list
    • Security Group - use the name of the group. These commonly end with "-group".

Exchange admin center screen

  1. Your group or distribution list should now appear in the search results.

    Security group example:
    Exchange admin center groups screen

    Distribution list example:
    Exchange admin center distribution lists screen
  2. Double-click your group. If you are a listed owner of this group, you will be able to make membership changes to it.
  3. Click the “membership” tab.
    Edit group screen
  4. You may now add and remove users from the members list. Click the plus (+) to Add users, click the minus (-) to remove users.
    • To Add a user:
      1. Click the plus sign (+).
      2. Click the Magnifying Glass icon to perform a search in the Global Address List for the user you wish to add. 
        • You may search by email address, OUNetID, or name.
        • Try searching for only the last or first name, or formatted "last name, first name".
      3. When you have located the user, double click their name or select them and then click “add->”.
      4. Repeat this process until you have selected all of the users you wish to add.
      5. Once you have selected all the users you wish to add, click the OK button.
      6. Click Save to update your group membership.
    • To Remove a user:
      1. Click their name in your current user list.
      2. Once they are selected, click the minus sign (-).
      3. Click Save to update your group membership.
  5. When you are done making changes to your group, you may click your name in the upper right corner, then select Sign out.


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Article ID: 203
Sun 9/6/20 2:00 PM
Tue 4/30/24 3:24 PM

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