HSC Exchange

Beginning July 1, OU IT no longer creates new shared resources in the OUHSC domain. Please visit Shared/Organization Accounts to request a shared account and Distribution List to request a new distribution list. More information about the move to the OU domain can be found at the Domain Consolidation KB article.

This service is to request the change of an existing HSC Exchange resource. This includes group mailboxes, distribution lists, shared calendars and mailbox restores. A group mailbox acts as a single shared resource and will appears as another mailbox for users. Distribution lists send emails to the individuals on the list.


IT provides this service for free to faculty and staff except for a mailbox restore which is a $250 charge.


HSC Faculty, Staff and Students can submit requests. Once permissions to a mailbox are granted, the mailbox should appear a few minutes after restarting Outlook.


Information Technology offers limited capability to restore Exchange mailbox data that has been inadvertently deleted. The mailbox restore can target specific items such as a mail folder(s), calendar items, or items within a date range. Due to the effort involved in this type of restore, there is a flat $250.00 charge associated with this effort. Email items deleted from mailbox beyond 60 days cannot be restored due to our backup retention period.

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Service ID: 441
Mon 7/1/24 8:36 AM
Mon 7/22/24 2:31 PM