Distribution Lists

Distribution Lists are groups of users within Active Directory (AD) that, similar to Group Email (Listserv), can be used for the purposes of sending multiple users a message at the same time. Unlike Listservs, they can also be utilized to assign users special permissions to access certain applications. Also, unlike Listserv lists, these groups are only able to contain OU and OUHSC accounts as members. External accounts and email addresses are not supported. Distribution Lists can also have the option of being displayed in the Exchange Global Address List (GAL), or not, according to your preference.


OU IT provides this service for FREE to all Norman campus faculty, staff, and students.


Distribution Lists are available to full time faculty or staff members, student organizations, and University departments


A Distribution List is created within Active Directory and is used to both assign multiple users permissions for certain systems, as well as to send email messages to a large number of recipients at once. Owners of a Distribution List have the option to allow incoming email from all email addresses or just those with an ou.edu email address. Distribution Lists are, unless otherwise specified, able to be searched via the Exchange Global Address List (GAL).

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Wed 5/20/20 8:34 AM
Wed 5/15/24 9:39 AM