OUIDPIN Verification

Set your OUIDPIN to Get In!

The OUIDPIN is a personal identification number (PIN) you will be asked to provide when requesting account assistance (e.g. password reset or removal of PingID authentication methods) from the OU IT Service Desk. 

Beginning April 4, 2025 OU IT will require users to provide their OUIDPIN before taking any user-requested administrative action on an OU account. Users which have forgotten or have not set their OUIDPIN will be required to verify their identity through alternative processes outlined in the Identity Verification Requirements knowledge base article.  The Identity Verification Requirements requires additional time/effort and will delay your ability to access your account if you need assistance from OU IT.

How to set/update your OUIDPIN? (Beginning 2/26/25)

  • Log into ONE and set/update your OUIDPIN in the "Account Settings" section.


  • Don't use a date which can be easily guessed by others (e.g. date of birth, anniversary).
  • Don't provide your OUIDPIN via a text message. OU IT will not text you and ask for your OUIDPIN.
  • Don't provide your OUIDPIN to a person who calls you. OU IT will not call you and ask you for your OUIDPIN.
  • Don't provide your OUIDPIN via an email, even an email that appears to have come from an OU email address. OU IT will not email you to ask for your OUIDPIN.
  • Don't store your OUIDPIN on your computer or a piece of paper.


  • Do set your OUIDPIN before you need OU IT's assistance
  • Do keep your OUIDPIN safe. 
  • Do call the OU IT Service Desk (405-325-HELP) if someone is contacts you and has asked for your OUIDPIN.