Downloading your OneDrive Files Locally

OneDrive for Business is available to faculty, staff and students with full OU accounts. OneDrive for Business requires an active account to retain data, for information on this policy, click here. Before users have a status change which removes such access, they should download their personal files off of the Microsoft 365 OneDrive space to a local computer.

To access and download your OU OneDrive files, please do the following on your personal computer:

  1. First set up the OneDrive for Business sync client so that you can access your OneDrive via your system folders.
    • For Windows users, please set up local syncing using this guide.
    • For Mac users, please set up local syncing using this guide.
  2. One the sync client is set up, you should now have the OneDrive folder in your main folder list.
    • On Windows computers, click on Computer. In the left navigation pane, “OneDrive – University of Oklahoma” should be displayed. Click on this folder to display your OU OneDrive space.
    • One Mac computers, click on the OneDrive icon in your top toolbar ribbon or click Finder and it should be displayed in your navigation pane. Click on this folder to display your OU OneDrive space.
  3. Files placed in these folders are stored in the Cloud in your storage space.
  4. To download a copy of these files locally, you will need to do either of the following:
    • Highlight whatever files your wish to keep, then either right click or Control click on Macs and select Copy. Find the local folder you wish to store them in, then right or Control click and select Paste. These files should then be stored on your local computer once they have completed copying over.
    • Alternately you may open your OneDrive folder, then also a second window for the new folder location where they will be placed. In your OneDrive window, highlight all the files you wish to move, then drag them to this new local folder window. These files should then be stored on your local computer.


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Article ID: 189
Sun 9/6/20 1:35 PM
Tue 6/6/23 10:49 AM