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MyMedia FAQ & Known Issues

FAQS Who can use MyMedia? All University of Oklahoma users (Norman, Tulsa, HSC) can login to view, create, and share content in MyMedia. Why do I see a higher quality video by

Editing Captions within MyMedia

NOTE: All new videos added will be auto-captioned. Un-edited captions will only be 70/80% accuracy. Please edit captions for higher accuracy. Log In into your MyMedia account Go to your

MyMedia Avoiding Media Deletion

The University of Oklahoma MyMedia storage policy has recently changed. Due to that change, users are now required to play their content within a two-year span to keep content from being deleted

MyMedia – Tagging Media Effectively

One of the best ways to make your media accessible to the public is to tag it correctly. The best tags are short, simple and to the point. They highlight the subject of your content and include

MyMedia - ADA Compliant Captions

While Kaltura MyMedia has AI captions automatically added to any video uploaded, they do not meet the ADA required percentage of accuracy. The University of Oklahoma has a contract with a vendor to

MyMedia – Creating a Video Quiz

In MyMedia you can create interactive video quizzes. You can create quizzes for your viewers that will prompt them to respond at certain parts of any given video. Note: This feature currently

MyMedia - Adding Users to a Channel

Note: Canvas has a built-in MyMedia integration called Media Gallery that acts as a channel within your course. We recommend using Media Gallery when possible. Learn more about Media Gallery. To

Add a YouTube Video to MyMedia

OU MyMedia enables you to add an existing, public YouTube video to your account for easy access. Please note that if the video is removed from YouTube it will no longer be playable from your account

MyMedia – Trimming or Clipping a Video

reversible. Clipping a video will save a new video clip to your MyMedia library. To Begin: Click on Your Name and then My Media   Click Edit on the video you want to trim Click Launch

Removing Media from MyMedia

Remove a video from MyMedia Log in at with your OUNetID and password. Click Your User Tab on the top right of the home screen. Select My Media from the dropdown menu. This

MyMedia – Recommended video specifications

Video files: (MPEG-4 with H.264 compression) with appropriate file extensions (.mp4, .m4v, .mov). For best results during playback, MyMedia recommends the following specifications: Data Rate

Kaltura MyMedia V7 Player Introduction

Kaltura MyMedia V7 Player Introduction  We recently launched the new Kaltura MyMedia V7 Player. This player is used within both our Canvas Browse, Search, and Embed (BSE) tool and our main player

MyMedia – Sharing a video on another site

Linking: Start at the viewing page for the video in question. Click share on under the video you want to share. It should default to sharing a link to a media page:  Copy the link and

Embed using MyMedia BSE in Canvas

Videos uploaded to your MyMedia account can be placed on any section of Canvas where the rich content editor (picture below) is available, such as discussion threads, announcements, assignments, etc

Ordering Machine Captions from MyMedia

Machine captions are automatically created by MyMedia when a video is uploaded to your account. In the event these captions are not created for your video, the captions can be ordered by following