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MyMedia – Channels
Note: Canvas has a built-in MyMedia integration called Media Gallery that acts as a channel within your course. We recommend using Media Gallery when possible. Learn more about Media Gallery
Kaltura MyMedia
Kaltura MyMedia serves as an enterprise-wide video content delivery solution for the campus, think of it as an OU-branded YouTube integrated with our services. Due to the increasing demand for
MyMedia – Collaborations
The Collaborations tab in the video editing portion of MyMedia allows you to credit other users who contributed to your project.
Log in at with your OUNetID and password
Privacy Settings for MyMedia
MyMedia content can be embedded on other sites, shared via direct link, or posted publicly on Although there are many ways to make your media public, there is also a private setting
Upload content to MyMedia
Click on + Add New (left side to the account icon) > Media Upload.
Click the Choose a file to upload button
Select the file to be added to MyMedia
Complete the following
Kaltura MyMedia – Attachments
The Attachments tab in the video editing portion of Kaltura MyMedia allows you to add additional materials to your project in the form of supplemental files.
Log in at with your
MyMedia – Viewing Analytics
There are a number of features available to all authenticated users, providing statistics about the media you upload on an individual basis.
Log in at with your OUNetID and
Download MyMedia Content
Download Your Video from MyMedia
MyMedia videos can be easily downloaded from to allow you to share the video file, store the file on your device, and edit it on your device. We
MyMedia – Replacing a Video
The Replace Video tab in the video editing portion of MyMedia allows you to replace your current video with another file in a video format.
Log in at with your OUNetID and
Kaltura MyMedia Policy
Kaltura MyMedia Details
MyMedia is a content repository solution, serviced by Kaltura, for higher education that provides a means for managing, delivering, creating, and
MyMedia – Timeline and Chaptering
The Timeline tab in the video editing portion of MyMedia allows you to add additional materials to your project in the form of slides and chaptering information to supplement your presentation
Add captions to a video on MyMedia
How to add captions to a video on MyMedia:
Log in at with your OUNetID and password
Click on your name to access a drop-down menu
MyMedia - General Site Navigation
. MyMedia enhances lecture capture and live streaming, while also providing a framework for ADA/508 compliance.
Go to The recommended browser for MyMedia is
MyMedia - Recommended audio specifications
Audio files: (AAC, MP3) with appropriate file extensions (.m4a, .mp3). For best results during playback, MyMedia recommends the following specifications:
Audio Format: Baseline Low-Complexity
MyMedia - Publicly Shared Playlist
MyMedia. Locate the playlist you want to share. Click on the Share &Embed option located below the playlist.
On the Share & Embed box, click on the Copy Link. Depending upon the privacy setting