MyMedia content can be embedded on other sites, shared via direct link, or posted publicly on Although there are many ways to make your media public, there is also a private setting for users who do not wish to share their uploads.
- Log in to using your OUNet ID.
- Next to your user tab there is an “Add New” button.
- Select the appropriate option for your upload. For this demo I selected “Media Upload.”
- Upload your media.
- Under the “Tags” option there will be three privacy settings with a short description of each.
- Private-Media can only be viewed by the content owner. This is the most private setting of the three.
- Unlisted-This media will only be visible via a direct link. This will remain private until you share the direct link with others.
- Published-This is a public post. It will be visible based on the publishing destination and will show up on search results.
NOTE: To change the publishing status to public you must first agree the terms and conditions by checking the box as shown in the screenshot below. Once you check the box, Click Save. Forgetting to check the box will lock the published feature. 
Agreeing with the terms and condition and saving will unlock the published feature and now you can choose the desired category.

- Select your desired option and click save.
- Note: College Categories are not for course content.