MyMedia – Trimming or Clipping a Video

When editing or saving a copy, due to how Kaltura handles those, the wait time will be longer than typical processing times.

Trimming a video will replace your original media. This is not reversible.

Clipping a video will save a new video clip to your MyMedia library.

To Begin:

Click on Your Name and then My Media


Click Edit on the video you want to trim

MyMedia Video edit selection

Click Launch Editor 

MyMedia Launch Editor button

Click on the Video Editor icon

MyMedia Video Editor screen

Click and drag the ends of the video reel (yellow bars) to adjust the length
MyMedia video timeline editor

Click Save to make a permanent Trim. Saving permanently overrides any changes you made to your video. Your changes will affect captions and cue points as well.

Click Save a Copy to save a video Clip of your changes to your MyMedia library.

MyMedia video timeline editor with Save a Copy button highlighted


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Article ID: 373
Wed 9/9/20 2:17 PM
Fri 8/9/24 12:46 PM