Qualtrics Support

Contact OU IT

Contact Qualtrics

Qualtrics can also be contacted directly, if desired. To access the Qualtrics support page: 

  1. Log into your OU Qualtrics account at survey.ou.edu. 

  1. Click the question mark icon in the upper right corner.  

                                    Screenshot of the help button. 

  1. A popup window with several options will show. Select Contact Support. 

  1. A login screen will appear. Do not log in on this page. Instead, click on Sign in with SSO. 

         Screenshot of the login screen. 

  1. It will ask for an Organization ID. Enter ousurvey into the field. Once the Organization ID is submitted, it may let you in immediately or you may need to enter your OU Credentials.

  1. Select Get technical support.

       Screenshot of the support request page. 

  1. There will be multiple topic options to choose from. For most issues, selecting Survey Platform will work. 

      Screenshot of the support request dropdown menu. 

  1. You can now choose how you would like to contact Qualtrics. Live chat works well for quick responses to short questions, while email works better for more complex questions and troubleshooting. Once you select an option, you will be asked to fill out a form with your information and a description of the problem.

       Screenshot of the support request communication options. 

Other Resources


Qualtrics has many online support articles at https://www.qualtrics.com/support/ 

Any upcoming trainings offered by IT Learning Spaces will be posted on the OU IT calendar. Qualtrics To request training for your department, contact OU IT at 405-325-HELP (4357) or submit a ticket via the Support Request Form.  


Known Issues:

Qualtrics No Longer Supports Internet Explorer

Qualtrics ended support for Internet Explorer June 15th, 2022. The website may redirect to use Microsoft Edge. For users that are not automatically redirected, continuing to use Internet Explorer may result in unexpected behavior or errors. View supported browsers for Qualtrics.

Combining data from other survey tools into Qualtrics 

Email triggers 

Qualtrics no longer offers support for email triggers. We recommend using Workflows instead of email triggers on new survey projects. For existing projects, a malfunctioning email trigger can be replaced with an Email task in Workflows. OU IT offers detailed instructions for replacing triggers both in written and video format.

Disabled accounts 

Please call OU IT at 405-325-HELP (4357) or submit a request.

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Article ID: 341
Wed 9/9/20 10:09 AM
Mon 11/20/23 1:52 PM