IT Asset Disposal - ITAD

| NOTICE: ITAD Services will be unavailable from 2/10/25 - 2/14/25.

| All requests will be addressed and scheduled the following week, beginning 2/17/25. 


Please consult with your Mission Support / Department's IT Support person when considering this service. 

Non-IT User Instructions:

Use the College and Department Device Support service and select Asset Disposal Request to notify your support team of your needs for Asset Disposal.


Instructions & Important Tips for Mission Support & OU-IT users:

  1. Download the  “ITAD Template” file on this page, in the attachments section on the right. 
  2. Complete each field with as much information as possible.  This spreadsheet is mandatory in order to schedule your pickup.
  3. Save the completed ITAD form with the current date in the name. “ITAD mm/dd/yyyy
  4. Click the Request Service button.
  5. The “Requestor” should be someone who can answer detailed questions about the equipment.
  6. Provide the best phone number to be contacted for scheduling the pickup.
  7. Fill out all the fields and attach your completed ITAD form.
  8. Additional Information field: Any information specific to this pickup; i.e. Best place to park, additional contacts, alternate pickup date/times, etc.
  9. Submit the request.
  10. Reply to the follow-up email with a photo of the equipment.

Once the ITAD form and a photo(s) are on the ticket someone from Lifecycle Management will reach out to schedule your pickup.


OU-ITAD will NOT accept:

  1. Hazardous Waste – This includes, but is not limited to, UPS batteries (loose), projector bulbs (loose) and old toners (loose). 
    To dispose hazardous waste see the EHSO link here (valid for Norman and OKC).
  2. Medical Devices - Such as microscopes, centrifuges, defibrillators, etc. 
  3. Items containing Liquid in any form.

OU-ITAD accepts the following device types:

  1. Data bearing devices – This category includes servers, computers, tablets, cell phones, etc.
    Note:  These devices must be kept in a secure location at all times.
  2. Computer displays – This category includes flat panel (desktop or large format) or older CRT displays. 
  3. Hard Drives Loose hard drives must be in a box/container that can be closed (i.e. not stacked above walls of the container)
  4. Printers – This includes fax machines and scanners.
  5. Keyboards/Mice/Accessories – These miscellaneous items should be in a box/container. Boxes can be provided by ITAD upon request. 
    Please do NOT combine items containing data with items that do not contain data.
  6. Credit Card Machines
  7. Networking Gear – Switches, hubs, etc.



What next? 

Retiring Assets - Assets should have their status updated in TDX to “retired” by Mission Support / IT before being picked up for disposal. Assets not present in TDX should be created by Mission Support / IT before disposing.

Tagged Items - All Assets purchased by the University $5,000 and over must be tagged and added to the department inventory and is reported to the State. It is your department’s responsibility to report disposal of these items to Property Control. More information here: NORMAN  -  HEALTH SCIENCE

If you need to dispose of any the items IT will not accept, you need to engage Property Surplus.  There are different processes for this depending upon your campus:

  1. Norman - Complete a “Property Control Declaration for Property” form here.
  2. OKC – Have your PS Requestor submit an SUR via Peoplesoft to Moving Services.