Network Drives and Virtual Labs

Virtual lab is a software allowing students to virtually connect to a computer-like environment. Its purpose is to provide students with numerous specialized engineering applications without having to install them on their devices.

Gallogly College of Engineering and Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy provide the virtual lab access to their students.

In order to access the virtual lab, users need to have configured PingID and have a “Remote Desktop Connection” application. Windows devices have a built-in remote desktop client. If you are trying to access a Virtual Lab while off campus, you will also need to connect to VPN first. More information on OU VPN can be found here.


Connecting to Virtual Lab through Windows

  • Ensure that the device is connected to the campus network or VPN.
  • In newer Windows devices, use the search option for “Remote Desktop Connection”
  • Enter the server name into field “Computer” and click “Connect”
    • MCEE students use – IT-CEEVLAB.OU.EDU
    • GCOE students use – IT-COEVLAB.OU.EDU
  • Username: sooner\OUNetID
  • Password: OU account password
  • When security warning appears click “Yes”.
  • When prompted for multi-factor approval, agree through your designated PingID approval method.


Connecting to Virtual Lab through Mac OS

  • Ensure that the device is connected to the campus network or VPN.
  • Download the “Remote Desktop Connection” for Mac here:
  • Click on Add Desktop or the Plus sign in the upper left corner.
  • PC Name: 
    • MCEE students use – IT-CEEVLAB.OU.EDU
    • GCOE students use – IT-COEVLAB.OU.EDU
  • Click on the dropdown menu and choose option “Add User Account” when adding for the first time.
  • Username: sooner\OUNetID
  • Password: OU account password 
  • After inputting all the information, click “Save”. Remote Desktop Logon Prompt
  • NOTE: if you need to access the virtual lab from off campus, you will need to install and successfully connect to GlobalProtect VPN.
  • When prompted for multi-factor approval, agree through your designated PingID approval method.
    • If you receive a PingID error, "You must be paired with PingID to continue", ensure that you have entered your username as "sooner\OUNetID"


Connecting to H:\ drives

Please see the following articles:


Basic Troubleshooting

Below are some common troubleshooting methods. If you run into any issues while trying the troubleshooting steps below, please take a screenshot of the error you encountered and note where in the troubleshooting steps you ran into the error. For further assistance, call 405-325-HELP (4357).

  • If you receive an access denied message from an existing setup of virtual lab, try to remove the connection and then re-add it using the connection settings above.
  • If you have logged in to Virtual Lab in the past using your OU email address as the User Name, you should delete your credentials and log in using sooner\OUNetID
    • If this is not done, your connection will not properly contact PingID for approval to authenticate your connection.
    • In Windows this can be accomplished by opening the connection and clicking the "delete" link in "delete these credentials". Remote Desktop General tab with delete these credentials highlighted
  • If that still does not work, ensure you have access to your account by logging in at
    • You must be currently enrolled in a College of Engineering or College of Earth and Energy course.
    • If you are connecting from off-campus, you need to connect through the VPN.

Memory or Storage Errors

The VLAB uses a shared allocation of hardware resources. This means it will allocate hardware resources equally amongst all concurrent users in the VLAB. A lot of the COE and CEE software has a high hardware requirement and because of the high requirements, users may see memory or storage errors. This happens because the VLAB shares its resources equally and at times it may not have enough when users are launching or running a program. Unfortunately, there is nothing our team can do to free up or add resources to the VLAB at this time. If needed, a list of what software is located in what physical computer labs can be found on this page



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