The University uses Software Center to install applications, software updates, and upgrade Windows. This user guide explains the functionality of Software Center for users of the computer. Software Center is installed on all computers managed by MECM.
Software Center gives more control to the user when it comes to installing organization approved Software, Software Updates, and Windows Operating System (OS) Versions, but provides a streamlined, unified way for IT administrators to Install and configure these within the application/OS installation or update. It also provides a way to make specific application configurations available to specific groups of devices or users.
Software Center is user driven but managed by IT administrators.
Alerts and Popups
Software Center Optional Entity Notifications
Software Center should notify users with a TOAST notification (notifications on the bottom right of the screen) when the user has clicked Install on an available application, update, or OS installation to notify them of the following:
- Downloading and Installing Software: The selected entity is downloading and installing on the computer.
- Installation Complete: The selected entity’s installation has been completed.
- Restart Required: The computer requires a restart after the installation has finished.

Restart Popups
Sometimes Software Center can also have a popup dialog window informing the user that their computer needs to be restarted after a critical update or software installation has been deployed.

Critical Installation Popups
Users may also get pop up dialog boxes when software changes are set to be required by IT Administrators. For instance, if an update to patch a critical security vulnerability was pushed out and made required, the user would get a pop up giving the user to defer the installation or to install it immediately.

Custom Dialog Boxes
IT administrators may also deploy custom dialog boxes requiring the user to restart or complete an action before the dialog box closes. In some cases, a more intrusive dialog is necessary.
What to Expect
Applications Tab
The Software Center will open to the Applications tab by default. From here users can choose to filter applications by All, Required, or Featured.

If Applications have been categorized correctly, Users may also choose the Filter: dropdown box to filter applications by category.

You can sort applications by using the Sort by: dropdown and also search for specific applications with the search box in the upper right corner.
Getting Entity Information
After clicking on a desired application in Software Center, the user can read the Description (2.), read more information about the application online (3.), and read the Privacy Statement issued by the publisher (4.) provided these options have been made available to them. If the user decides to proceed with the installation of the application, they can simply click Install (1.) to initiate the installation.

These options may also be available for Updates and Operating systems.
IT Employee Expectations
In some cases, specific Apps, Updates, or OS versions may only be available to IT staff. This may be due to the installation being administrative tools that should not be available for end-users, for testing purposes, or for pilot groups.
For example, if there is a new Windows Feature update that IT Administrators may want to make available in Software Center, they may push it out to only specific IT staff in order to test the installation from Software Center.