OU Data Cloud Storage Stipulations

Data handling falls under specific guidelines at the University of Oklahoma. The below table outlines the types of data users may handle, as well as restrictions about where that data can or can not be stored.


Click here for a full screen version of the below information.

Cloud Storage Matrix Image

Research Support

OU IT offers dedicated personnel through the Oklahoma Supercomputing Center for Education and Research (OSCER) to support faculty, researchers, and support staff in leveraging research computing tools and services.

We are also bringing to bear the expertise of our enterprise IT staff from across the OU system, as well as our portfolio of enterprise service offerings to create a more robust research computing service portfolio and to improve support options.

For information on Research data handling, please review the Research Data Storage Matrix.


​If security consultation is needed for your data type storage needs, please visit our Service Catalog for assistance details.


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Article ID: 476
Thu 9/10/20 11:26 AM
Thu 12/14/23 10:53 AM

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