Zoom Docs (User Sharing, Default Access Permissions, & User Permission Types)

Enable or Disable Sharing Doc In-meeting at the User Level; Managing Zoom Docs Default Access Permissions; Zoom Docs User Permission Types

Enable or Disable Sharing Doc In-meeting at the User Level

Enabling the Zoom Docs feature allows users to collaborate on virtual documents during or outside of meetings.

  1. Sign into the Zoom web portal at https://oklahoma.zoom.us/
  2. In the navigation menu, click Settings.

  3. Click the Docs tab.

  4. Under the In-meeting Docs section, click the Allow participants to share docs in meetings toggle to enable or disable the option.
    NOTE: If disabled, only the host of the meeting can share docs in meetings.

  5. If enabled:
    • Under Who can share docs when someone else is sharing, select one of the following:

      • Host Only: Allow only the host to share their Zoom Docs in their meetings.
      • All Participants: Allow all participants to share Zoom Docs in the meeting including external users.
        NOTE: The ability for external users to share Zoom Docs in the meeting relies on other settings such your Docs Access feature setup.
    • Under Who can create and share a new doc in meeting, select one of the following:

      • Host Only: Allow only the host to create and share docs during a meeting.
      • Users in your organization: Allow users within your organization to create and share docs during a meeting.
      • All Participants: Allow all participants to create and share docs during a meeting, including external users.
        NOTE: Anonymous users, participants who are not signed in to the Zoom account, will not be allowed to create and share documents.


Managing Zoom Docs Default Access Permissions 

Zoom Docs sharing enables users to share their docs only with users within their organization or to include users from outside their organization.

  1. Sign into the Zoom web portal at https://oklahoma.zoom.us/
  2. In the navigation menu, click Settings.

  3. Click the Docs tab.

  4. Click Docs Access to navigate to the section.

  5. Under Default Access Level, click one of the following:

    • Collaborators only: Allow only documents’ collaborators to access newly created document links.
    • Anyone in organization: Allow all users within your account to access newly created document links.
    • Anyone with link: Allow anyone to access newly created document links and view the content.
      NOTE: Users can view the content of documents but need to sign in to their Zoom account or app to comment or edit them.
  6. Click Save.


Zoom Docs User Permission Types

To manage the level of control other users have over Zoom Docs, the document owner can adjust the sharing permissions settings for those who are granted access.

User permission types for Zoom Docs

  • Owner: A user who created the Zoom Docs. The Owner has permission to edit, comment, assign sharing permissions to others, and delete the document. The Owner can also transfer the ownership of the document to another user.
  • Co-owner: A user who shares the same rights as the owner. A Co-Owner can edit, comment, and assign sharing permissions to other users, but cannot delete the document or permanently delete it from the trash.
  • Editor: A user who can view the content of the document. An Editor can edit and comment on it.
  • Commenter: A user who can view the content of Zoom Docs. A Commenter can comment on that doc.
  • Viewer: A user who can only view the content of Zoom Docs.
Privilege Owner Co-owner Editor Commenter Viewer
Invite users Yes Yes Yes No No
Remove users Yes Yes Yes No No
Change user roles Yes Yes Yes No No
Assign co-owner, Editor, Commenter, Viewer Yes Yes Yes but cannot assign co-owner No No
Add/delete/modify contents Yes Yes Yes No No
Add/reply to a comment Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Edit comment Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Delete comment Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Add page Yes Yes Yes No No
Print page Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Delete page Yes Yes Yes No No
Delete Zoom Docs Yes Yes No No No
Permanently delete Zoom Docs from Trash Yes Yes No No No


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Article ID: 3308
Wed 10/2/24 2:51 PM
Thu 10/17/24 1:22 PM

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