If you decide to sync OneDrive across multiple devices, be sure the security on the devices that your information is synced with meets the minimum-security standards below:
- Install virus/malware detection software with the latest definitions.
- Run a firewall that blocks in-bound traffic.
- Do not log into your workstation or device as an administrator (unless absolutely necessary).
- Keep your operating system and software up to date.
- Password-protect your workstation or device and use idle-time screen saver passwords where possible.
- Talk to your departmental IT support for help securing your computers and other devices.
Syncing across multiple devices inherently creates the potential for unintended data leakage; syncing Category A data is therefore strongly discouraged. Always take caution when transmitting sensitive information.
By default, OneDrive is set up to sync all files and folders, but you have the ability to customize what is synced.
- Open your OneDrive app settings and navigate to Sync Settings.

- Choose which folder(s) you decide to sync. Stop syncing any folders you choose.