Zoom App Marketplace Integration Request

Zoom App Marketplace Integration Request 

The Zoom App Marketplace helps you find apps that can integrate with Zoom to enhance your experience using the software. Users can search for and browse different categories of apps and add them from the Marketplace. Requiring admin approval to add an app, setting an app as approved, and managing requests for other apps are all controlled from the Marketplace by account owners and admins.

Coordinate with University Zoom Room Administrator in order to Activate Zoom Room

  1. Request Zoom App Integration at link.ou.edu/Zoom. Select Request Service.

    a. Select Zoom Integration Request under "What action would you like to take?".
    b. Input name of the app to integrate with Zoom under "Name of application to integrate with Zoom".
    c. Input the name(s) of college/departmental personnel who will also use this Zoom App Integration under "Who will have access to this app?".
    d. Explain why this Zoom App Integration is necessary for your college/department under "Why is this necessary?".
  2. Select the Submit button.

System Security Assessment on Requested App to Integrate with Zoom

  1. IT Learning Spaces will request a System Security Assessment on requested app from the Office of Information Technology's Governance, Risk, and Compliance Team (IT GRC).

  2. Upon IT GRC approval, IT Learning Spaces will implement the integration of requested app with Zoom.

NOTE:  It will be the responsibility of the requester to create their account with the Zoom integrated app. If the requester needs further assistance with Zoom integration, please reopen original Service Catalog ticket to request the assistance providing as much information as possible. 

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Article ID: 3259
Tue 7/16/24 4:50 PM
Thu 7/18/24 3:10 PM

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