Business Class vs. Consumer Class Computers

Information Technology at the University of Oklahoma has standardized our client computers to be exclusively Business/Corporate class.   Many people do not understand the difference between Business and Consumer class simply because they view their computer as means to an end.  IT believes the same in that computers should be like utilities, which by nature, are ubiquitous.   When you turn on the water faucet, you expect the water to come out.  It's the same situation when coming to work.  When you sit in front of your computer to get to work you expect it to be fully functional, fast and reliable.  However, Business Class computers go one step further in that they not only work consistently, they are compatible with the wide range of tools IT has in order to keep the University fully operational and, at the same time, secure University data and provide the users with a consistent experience.  

Here are the typical features of a Business/Corporate Class Computer:

- Defined product lifecycles, meaning manufactures have sourced or guaranteed consistent parts for the model over the term of its pre-determined life
- Manufacturers typically keep a 5 year stock of spare parts for break/fix after the model is no longer offered.
- Networking capabilities not typically needed for a home 
- Security enhancements such as TPM chips and VPro
- Rigorous testing on part durability
- Not shipped with "bloatware".  Bloatware is defined as all the junky software you will find on a consumer class computer.
- Better support options (including on-site) with domestic call-in support.
- Allows IT to build a consistent, streamlined and less expensive toolset to protect the University against cyber attacks and build a repository of information required for reporting.