Non-Standard Account Action Requests

The following article identifies the process departments must follow to have OU IT complete non-standard requests for Immediate Disables, Out of Office Replies, Auto-Forwards, and Account Access (mailbox, file, folder, voicemail, etc..) for OU/OUHSC accounts. These account actions typically take place at or near the end of an user's employment with OU, but may be requested during other extenuating circumstances.

Request Process:

To request an action, the user's supervisor must email HR Business Partners,, with specific instructions about the request. Based on the request, the department will need to include documented approval from the Dean/VP. Use the table below to determine what approval(s) and information needs to be included in the request email.

Note: The processes listed below are for UNIVERSITY BUSINESS uses. If the request is for personal use (including former students and employees), please work through Open Records.


Type of Request What it Does Approval Required Information in HR Business Partners Request
Immediate Disable

Immediately disables the account and doesn't allow the user to log into any University system that uses their OUNetID or HSC Username, including email.

OU Accounts - Initiating this action will flag the user's deleted account credentials. HR approval will be required for the user to activate their account again if they return to OU as an employee or student in the future.

Standard Process

OUHSC - Accounts are automatically disabled each day as part of the ePAF termination process. This occurs overnight after the conclusion of an employee's last day.

OU - OU accounts are not generally disabled; rather, accounts are deleted approximately 30 days after the last official day.

Current or Former Employee

Department or Hiring Manager

  • Send approval to
  • Specify that you wish to have an account immediately disabled.
  • User's First and Last Name
  • User's email address
Out of Office (OOO) Places an Out of Office message on the user's mailbox. Individuals which send to the mailbox receive a one-time auto-reply message.

Current Employee:

Department Manager

Former Employee:

Department Manager AND approval from the VP/Dean.

  • Send approval to
  • Specify that you wish to have an Out of Office applied to an account
  • User's First and Last Name
  • User's email address
  • Exact Out of Office message
Auto-Forward All emails sent to the user are automatically forwarded to another user or mailbox.

Current Employee:

Department Manager

Former Employee: Department Manager AND approval from the VP/Dean.

  • Send approval to
  • Specify that you wish to have an Auto-Forward applied to an account
  • User's First and Last Name
  • User's email address
  • Email address to which incoming email should be forwarded
Account Access (Mailbox, File, Folder, Voicemail, etc.) Requested files/folders/access are provided to the authorized user.

Current Employee:

Department must work with Office of Legal Counsel.

Former Employee

Department Manager AND approval from the VP/Dean.

  • This process is only available for former employees. For access to current employees, departments must coordinate with the Office of Legal Counsel.
  • Send approval to
  • Specify that you wish to have Account Access granted to another individual
  • Provide information about the specific access you're requesting (i.e. mailbox, file, folder, voicemail)
  • User's First and Last Name
  • User's email address (if needing mailbox/files/folders)
  • User's university phone number (if needing access to voicemails)
  • Email address of the person who will be given access to mailbox/files and/or name of the person who will be given access to voicemails.