Installing and Setting Up Respondus 4 Quiz Software

Important before Installing Respondus 4:

  1. Installation is only available for Windows operating systems.
  2. The user account utilizing the software must have admin rights on the machine for it to be installed properly.

Steps for Installing Respondus 4:

  1. Download the current version of the software from
  2. Fill out the campus-wide license information
    1. Institution Name: University of Oklahoma
    2. Local Support Contact(s):
    3. Installation Password: Enter the current password fond on
  3. Select Canvas as the LMS Personality

Steps for Publishing or Retrieving Quiz Data

  1. When prompted to add new server settings, choose to enter the settings manually. Respondus Add New Server Settings window
  2. When prompted to add server settings, add the information below
    • Line 1: This step is not needed
    • Line 2: Leave this field blank
    • Line 3: For server domain enter, and for server port enter 443. Check yes for secure server
    • Line 4: Enter OU Canvas, enter your OU logon credentials, and check Remember my Username and Password

Brightspace Server Information window