When logging in to PeopleSoft applications, such as HR Self Service (https://selfservehc.ou.edu/) from off campus or performing certain actions from any network (such as changing direct deposit information), you will be required to authenticate with PingID. For more information on PingID, including how to enroll devices, please visit the PingID Multifactor Information article.
- When you reach the login site, enter your User ID and password. Your User ID is your OUNetID (Norman) or your OUHSC Username (HSC). then click "Sign In".

- You will now be presented with the PingID Verification selection screen.
- See section below if you see an error for "Could not process".

- Select the verification method that you'd like to use.
- For Push notification on phone/tablet apps, click "Verify", then authenticate on that device.
- For Passcode devices, you may need to click "Get Code" to intiate the call or text to a phoneIf they have “Push” enabled. Once you receive the code, input it in the field next to that same device, then click "Verify".
- If you have the app installed on your phone/tablet, you may also open the app, retrieve a code, and input next to your device labeled "PingID App".
- Once authenticated with PingID, you will be allowed to continue to the site.
"Could Not Process" Known Errors
Occasionally, users will input their username/password and then receive a "Could Not Process" error. There are two known causes for this error.
Third Party Authenticator Apps
Users who have a third-party authenticator app (such as Microsoft Authenticator, Aegis Authenticator, Google Authenticator, etc.) linked to their PingID profile will not be able to progress to the screen to select a verification method. This is a known error caused by the interaction between Peoplesoft and PingID. The only known work-around is to do the following:
- Visit link.ou.edu/pingid.
- Ensure that a second verification method, such as SMS texts, is added to your profile. If only the authenticator app exists, you must add a second verification method to PingID.
- Remove the third party authenticator app from your PingID profile. The authenticator app must be unlinked from your profile in order for you to log in to Self Service.
- Log in to selfservehc.ou.edu using, including using an alternate mode of verification for PingID.
- If desired, re-enroll your third party authenticator app as a verification method on your PingID profile.
Numerous Unused Text (SMS) Codes
When requesting text message code to authenticate with PingID, you should be prepared to use that code when requested. If numerous (typically 5-10 in a single day) text message codes are sent to the phone number on file, then not utilized fairly quickly, PingID will stop sending new text message codes as a security precaution. When attempting to log in to Peoplesoft, this will often appear to users only by the "Could Not Process" error. If you use text message codes and receive this error, do the following.
- If you have any other authentication method set up with Ping, such as a voice call or mobile app push, use that method instead.
- If you only have text message (SMS) codes enabled, you will need to call the OU IT Service Desk at 405-325-HELP and request assistance with your account. Inform the technician that you need to reset your PingID devices because your text messaging function is no longer working.