Turn on FileVault Encryption - MacOS

Process to turn on FileVault encryption on a Mac computer

WARNING: Don’t forget your recovery key. If you turn on FileVault and then forget your login password and can’t reset it, and you also forget your recovery key, you won’t be able to log in, and your files and settings will be lost forever.

  1. Click on the Apple logo on the top left corner of your computer screen. Then click on System Settings.

  2. Select Privacy & Security.

  3. Click on the "FileVault" tab and then verify that the option button to turn FileVault on says "Turn On FileVault". Click the "Turn On" button. If the button is greyed out click on the lock icon and then enter your computer password. If the option button says "Turn Off FileVault" your computer is already encrypted.

  4. Select the "Create a recovery key and do not use my iCloud account" option and click Continue.

  5. Take note of your recovery key and then click Continue. Make sure your computer is connected to a power outlet.

  6. Your computer should now begin encrypting. Depending on how large your hard drive is, it can take up to 4+ hours to encrypt.Navigate back to "Secure & Privacy" setting and verify that your computer is encrypting. Depending on how large your hard drive is, it can take up to 4+ hours to encrypt.

  7. Reboot your device.

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Article ID: 2407
Thu 5/13/21 1:12 PM
Wed 10/18/23 3:43 PM