*This document shows how to modify the connections in the GlobalProtect client to change the connection from ouvpn.ou.edu to connect2.ouhsc.edu for HSC users.*
1. Click on the GlobalProtect icon in the Menu bar, it looks like a globe.
2. If GlobalProtect is disabled you will need to click on Enable, otherwise the setting menu will not be accessible.
3. Click on Cancel under the Sign In button.
4. Click on the three lines in the upper right hand corner of the GlobalProtect window to access the menu.
5. Click on Settings.
6. Click on the + symbol at the bottom left of the Setings page.
7. Type in connect2.ouhsc.edu in the Portal Address text box then click on Save.
8. You should now see connect2.ouhsc.edu listed in the Portals window. If the status section says Connected for ouvpu.ou.edu then click on Sign Out and verify that you want to sign out. Then close the window using the Red button in the upper left corner.
9. Click on the Globe in the menu bar if the GlobalProtect client isn't open. Click on the pull down menu for the Portal section.
10. Choose connect2.ouhsc.edu from the Portal selection. Click on Connect.
11. Enter your HSC AD username and password. You do not need to put OUHSC\ in front of your username. Click on Sign In.
12. The client should attempt to authenticate. Accepting the secondary PingID authentication prompt is required to use this VPN. Acknowledge the PingID prompt to complete authentication.
13. The system should now be connected to connect2.ouhsc.edu.
14. Click on the three lines in the upper right hand corner of the GlobalConnect window. Click on Settings.
15. Click on ouvpn.ou.edu in the Portal window. Click on the - symbol in the lower left hand corner of the window.
16. Click on Delete to verify the deletion of the ouvpn.ou.edu Portal connection.
17. Only connect2.ouhsc.edu should be in the Portals window. Click on the red button in the upper left hand corner to close the window.
18. The GlobalProtect client should now be configured to connect to connect2.ouhsc.edu for access to HSC resources.