Blocked from Sending Mail

If you receive an automated email stating that you have been blocked from sending emails, it is possible that the email account has been compromised.  To remove the block and ensure that your account is secure, please follow these steps:

1.) Please visit and change your OU password immediately.
2.) Perform a virus scan on your computer to remove any malware. Respond to the incident once your computer is free of infections.
3.) Compromised accounts may notice incoming emails being automatically deleted. This could be due to an inbox rule being created. Please review your inbox rules for any rules you did not create. For additional information about managing rules, see this article.

Once these steps are complete, please contact the Service Center (325-HELP) to remove the block. Please reference the incident number (INC012345), which is included in the email.  Removing the block may take 2-3 business days.


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Article ID: 217
Sun 9/6/20 2:19 PM
Fri 9/11/20 1:02 PM