Requesting a Distribution Group

To request a distribution group, you will need to fill out the Distribution Group Request form available here.

Please be prepared to enter the following information:

  • Display Name: the name that will appear in the Global Address List for the group
  • Parent Organization: the department or organization to which the distribution group will belong
  • Email Alias: the email address you would like for the distribution group
  • Sponsors: two current full-time faculty or staff members are required to sponsor the distribution group
  • Account type: Will the distribution group be needed permanently or temporarily?
  • List in Global Address List: Should the address be listed publicly in the GAL?
  • Receive Email: 
    •      From Anybody: any OU and non-OU addresses can send to the distribution group
    •      From OU Exchange Members: only OU addresses can send to the distribution group
    •      From DL Members: only members of the distribution group can send to it
    •      From DL Managers: only sponsors of the distribution group can send to it
  • Auto Populate Members: allows sponsors to list members they would like to be in the distribution group


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Article ID: 211
Sun 9/6/20 2:11 PM