What are Alfheim and Janus-OU?
Both Alfheim and Janus-OU are virtual desktop interfaces (VDI) that allow workers to connect to a virtual DHS desktop. Alfheim is managed by CPM’s IT Department (TC Support) and Janus-OU is managed by OMES.
Who needs Alfheim?
Workers who cannot use Zscaler and/or workers with databases in Alfheim use Alfheim.
Who needs Janus-OU?
Janus-OU is a backup for Alfheim.
How do I map drives?
See How and When to Map Drives.
When do I map drives?
See How and When to Map Drives.
What are CPM resources in Alfheim?
CPM resources in Alfheim are the Database front Ends that our IT pushes out for each Department, ex. CIC, LIVE, etc. We (IT) update the folder any time changes are made to the Database.
How do I update CPM resources in Alfheim?
To update CPM resources in Alfheim, the person needs to run (double click) the Update CPM Resources CMD file located in C:\CPM Resources\_How-To’s & Guides.
What are CPM resources in Janus-OU?
CPM resources in Janus-OU are the Database front Ends that our IT pushes out for each Department, ex. CIC, LIVE, etc. We (IT) update the folder any time changes are made to the Database.
How do I update CPM Resources in Janus-OU?
To update CPM resources in Janus-OU the person will need to Sign out and then Sign (log) in for the folder to update.
What system to you need to use?
Zscaler has replaced Alfheim for most users, but Alfheim can be used as a backup. Janus-OU is a backup for Alfheim.
If you don’t know, how do you find out?
Ask your supervisor which system is preferred on your contract.
If using All-in-One or laptop at home, can I use Alfheim to access DHS systems, OSIS, DSD, IMS, FACS, ICE, Kids, Reflection, Office 365 (State of Oklahoma), Teams?
Zscaler or Alfheim can be used to access a virtual DHS desktop from your OU All-In-One or laptop.
How do I log-in to Alfheim?
See Logging into and Signing out of Alfheim Tutorial Video or Step-by-Step Alfheim DHS Login Guide.
If Alfheim is down or you are having problems, what can you use?
Janus-OU can be used as a backup for Alfheim. If applicable, see if your team uses Zscaler, which has replaced Alfheim for many users.
How do I log-in to Janus OU?
See Janus-OU Video Tutorial.
What is difference between Alfheim and Janus-OU?
The difference between Alfheim and Janus-OU is CPM’s IT Department (TC Support) at the Training Center (SATTRN) created Alfheim, and Janus-OU was created by OMES. This means TC Support have more control over the Alfheim VDI’s and can repair them or assign people to a new one if there are problems. If there are problems with Janus-OU, OMES has to make the repairs or resolve any problems.
Where do I save shortcuts using Alfheim or VDI?
DHS does not back up anything on their desktops. Save your shortcuts and files in multiple locations like OneDrive, or the P: and W: drives.
How do I log in to Outlook 365?
Go to Office.com.
How do I log in to Teams?
You can launch Teams in your Browser from Office 365 by visiting the waffle menu.
Launch Teams when expanded.
You can also download Teams to your desktop while it is open in your browser by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner.
What are the password rules?
See Passwords.