

The interface between Epic and REDCap connects the production instance of REDCap with the production instance of Epic via the FHIR interface and allows transfer of a variety of fields to REDCap for specified patients. Supported data includes: Allergy Intolerance, Appointment - Appointments, Appointment - Scheduled Surgeries, Condition - Dental Finding, Condition - Genomics, Condition - Infection, Condition - Medical History, Condition - Problems, Condition - Reason for Visit, Core Characteristics, Coverage, Demographics, Device - Implants, Diagnosis, Document Reference - Clinical Notes, Encounter, Immunization, Laboratory, Medications, Procedure, Social History, Vital Signs, and potentially other information. 


There are two ways to access this functionality as of the writing of this article. First, if the connection is added to an RSH record in Epic, then users may sign into REDCap by clicking the link under the Research Studies activity in Epic for a specific patient and research study. They will then log into REDCap in a launched hyperspace tab and they can connect the patient to any REDCap project they have. Most users will not use the interface this way. The second way to access this functionality is by using the standalone launch from within the REDCap application and specifying MRNs to pull data for in the Data mart.

This access is managed in two ways. First, they can only access patients and research studies for which their EMP has access in Epic via either method. Secondly, the project in REDCap must be given access to Epic DataMart functionality by the REDCap administrator before users can use this functionality, which is contingent upon their project having IRB approval to use Epic data.



For access issues in REDCap, reach out to the REDCap administrator (Thomas Wilson | For access issues in Epic, please submit a ticket to the Epic Research Team.

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Article ID: 3290
Fri 8/30/24 8:43 AM
Fri 8/30/24 8:43 AM