Welcome to the University of Oklahoma! One of the first and most important steps, before you're official, is to upload your ID photo through the Transact eAccounts app. Soon after your photo is approved, you will be able to add the Sooner ID in Apple Wallet on iPhone and Apple Watch and *GPay on Android devices. The Sooner Card is the University of Oklahoma’s official identification card for students, faculty and staff. Whether you're taking classes in-person or you decide to make a visit to campus at any point during your time in one of OU’s online programs, your Sooner Card connects you to campus by granting you access to buildings, athletic events, campus dining, printing, buying books and course materials, education discounts online and so much more! For more information about your Sooner Card, click here.
Below are the photo guidelines required for approval
- Photo must be in color - drivers license, passport, or visa style photos are best (do not attach a direct copy of your photo ID)
- Face must be clearly visible and facing forward - no profile shots, sunglasses, or hats
- Photo can not be blurred or contain ghosting
- Photo can not be modified in any way and must be original image - no photo filters
- Nothing can be touching your face such as hands or anything else
- Photo should only include your face and shoulders
- You must be the only person in the photo
- A uniform (preferably white) light-colored background is preferred
- Photo file format should be JPG. We do not accept .heic
- Photo must meet a minimum resolution of 600 x 600 pixels
Sample Accepted Photos

Sample Denied Photos

How to upload your photo in the eAccounts app:
- Download the eAccounts app on your iPhone or Android device through the Apple App store or Google Play store.
- Log into eAccounts app with your OU Net ID and password. You'll need to authenticate using PingID.
- If you are a first time user, you'll be prompted to select your University for Single Sign-On (SSO). In the drop down list, search for "Oklahoma" and select "The University of Oklahoma".
- Once logged in, you will see your account page. Tap the gear icon in the top right corner to get to the settings and tap 'Submit ID Photo' to upload your photo.
- Please note, you can only have one approved photo, once it has been approved, that is the photo that will be used.
- Press 'Get Started' on the 'Submit ID Photo' page and it will transfer you to CloudCard where you can submit your photo.
- You'll need to accept the Terms and Conditions before you are allowed to upload your photo.
- After you have uploaded your photo, tap the 'Submit & Sign Out' button.
Your photo has now been successfully uploaded and will go through the approval process. You will receive an email upon approval and will be able to add your Sooner Card Mobile ID shortly thereafter. If your photo is rejected, you will be notified as well via email for additional steps.
Still have questions?
Give us a shout! Sooner Card is here to help. You can use our general support form or call our office at (405) 325-3113. If you prefer to talk in person, stop by one of our locations in the Oklahoma Memorial Union or Cross D Village.