Enterprise Backup

The Enterprise Backup service offers an opportunity to further secure your data. This service is to be utilized in addition to your team’s already existing or newly requested data storage environment (including File Storage, Block Storage, Co-Location, and Virtual Servers).

Customers are responsible for the data, applications and other files stored on purchased options. The department or individual purchasing this service must:

  • Appoint an administrator for the Data Backup Service who can coordinate with OU IT Staff.
  • Comply with all University requirements and policies, including security, privacy, and acceptable use policies.  OU IT Data Centers are designed for compliance with these requirements; however, each customer of this service must ensure compliance of content. For more information go to:  https://www.ou.edu/ouit/cybersecurity or  https://it.ouhsc.edu/services/infosecurity/.


Customer 15 Day (per GB) 30 Day (per GB) 45 Day (per GB) 60 Day (per GB)
OU Departments $0.25 $0.35 $0.45 $0.55
OU Affiliates $0.26 $0.36 $0.46 $0.56


  • OU faculty, staff, departments and groups
  • OU student and student groups with department sponsorship
  • OU affiliates


  • Consultation
  • Security consultation (If needed)
  • 24x7 availability
  • 15, 30, 45, and 60 days retention availability
  • Nightly backup
  • Duplication of data across multiple geographical locations
  • Billing based on monthly usage
  • Two days recovery time
  • Disk based

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Service ID: 197
Fri 2/26/21 7:48 AM
Wed 5/15/24 9:25 AM