Launch PuttyGen is you already have it installed. If not, you can download it from the HSC pubic share at \\isi-okc\PUBLIC\Putty.
Once installed, launch PuttyGen from the Windows Start menu: click Start>type “puttygen”>ENTER
Leave settings on default and click Generate
It will begin the generation process and will want you to do random stuff to assist in the generation process.
The completed generation form
Save Keys without a password
Click “Save public key” button>select location>give it a file name (i.e. ssh_publickey)>Save
Click “Save private key” button>select location>give it a file name (i.e. ssh_privatekey)>Save
You will now have two files at the location you specified earlier.
Send the publickey file to us. We will import it into the SFTP server. You will direct your SFTP client to use the privatekey file. The username needs to be the one defined on the SFTP server.
A password will not be necessary, therefore, please be sure to safeguard the privatekey file.