OU-Tulsa Voicemail Quick Reference Guide



For Faculty and Staff 

Reaching your mailbox

From your office phone (with voicemail):

  • Call the voicemail system, 8484
  • If prompted for a mailbox number, enter your 4 digit phone number plus #
  • Enter your password plus #        
  • (Note for the First-Time user the PW is a default of 1379, it will prompt you to change it to the PW of your choice when you login)

From other telephones:

  • On campus (from a phone without voicemail), 8484. With voice mail *#
  • Off-campus, dial 918-660-8484
  • Indicate you are a subscriber by pressing    #
  • Enter your mailbox number—your 4 digit OU-Tulsa telephone number plus #
  • Enter your password plus #

 Listening to Voice Messages

            Review—press                                    1

            Review unheard messages—press    1-1           


            Skip to next message—press              #

            Skip to saved messages—press           #-#

            Skip to the end of a message              33

Action Options:

            At end of message:

              Reply—press                                     8

              Reply by calling—press                    8-8

              Forward copy—press                        6

              Forward copy/ Remove

                other introductions—press              6-6

              Replay—press                                   4

              Save—press                                      9

              Erase—press                                     7

 Playback controls

Use while listening to messages.  Some are also available while recording.

                                    Rewind           Pause/restart               Fast Forward

Position                            1                             2                                  3

                                     Slower                  Envelope                       Faster

Speed                               4                             5                                  6

 Volume                                                    Normal                         Louder

                                         7                             8                                  9


                                    Cancel                     Help                             Skip

                                         *                             0                                  # 

Sending and Replying to your Voice Messages

To create a new message:

  • From the main menu—press               2
  • Record message
  • Finish recording—press                      #
  • Enter recipient’s mailbox number       5 + extension #
  • Send—press                                        # 


  • To erase and re-record—press            * 

To reply to a message you receive:

  • At end of message—press                  8
  • Record reply
  • Finish recording—press                      #
  • Send—press                                       # 

To telephone the sender of a message you receive:

  • At end of message—press                  8-8
  • System dials sender’s phone number 

To forward a message you receive to someone else:

  • At end of message—press                              6

                        Or to remove other introductions—press       6-6

  • Record your introduction
  • Finish Recording—press                                 #
  • Enter recipient’s mailbox number                   5 + extension #
  • Send—press                                                   # 

To specify delivery options:

            Private—press   1                                Urgent—press   2 

            Message Confirmation—press  3        Future delivery—press  4 

To create a Group Distribution List:

            At the Main Menu, press—                4-2-2-1

  • Assign a two-digit number to the list you want to create (from 11 to 25).  This number is used when sending a group message.
  • Record the name for the list
  • Enter the mailbox number (5-digit telephone number) of each person you want on the list.
  • Press—1  to review all names on the list.
  • Press—* to exit and save.

Changing your password

            To secure your mailbox, change your password frequently:

                        From the Main Menu, press—  4-2-1-1 

Recording or changing greetings

            Personal greeting:

                        From Main Menu, press—      4-3-1-2

            Extended absence greeting:

                        From Main Menu, press—      4-3-2 

Changing prompt levels

            To change detail level of system prompts:

                        From Main Menu, press—      4-2-1-3

                        Choose Prompt level

                                    Standard                     1

                                    Extended                    2

                                    Rapid                          3 

General tips

            Press the wrong key?

                        Cancel or back up—press       *

            Not sure which key to press?

                        Get help—press                      0

            Get back to the main menu?

                        Repeat * until you hear prompts for reviewing and sending messages.

            To bypass system greeting:

                        Press   #



Article ID: 504
Mon 11/2/20 11:40 AM
Mon 11/2/20 6:03 PM