How To Create a Speed Dial OU-Tulsa Phone


  1. Click the down button (circled below in red) twice on the Navigation cluster as shown below to navigate to the screen that has “Abr Program” on it.Picture of IP phone
  2. Click the clear button (item 3 on the picture above) that is next to “Abr Program”. This will put the phone into program mode.
  3. Now select the SD (Speed Dial) button you want to program.
  4. Enter the number you wish to program as a speed dial (4 digit extension, or external number (with external numbers please remember to include a 9 to get an outside line).
  5. Press the # key to save. You will notice that it will save the number you added similar to this example (SD 3534). To change the label of that speed dial, please continue to #6.
  6. Click the menu options button as shown below circled in red.Picture of IP phone
  7. Select Options & Settings
  8. Push the down button on the Navigation cluster once to highlight Application Settings, press the Select button.
  9. Push the down button on the Navigation cluster twice to highlight Personalize Labels and press the Change button.
  10. Press the down button on the Navigation cluster until the new Speed Dial number you created is highlighted. Press the Edit button.
  11. Use the dial pad to set the name of the label you wish to have and once completed, click the Save button. To go back to the main screen, press the home button as shown below circled in red.




Article ID: 500
Mon 11/2/20 11:28 AM
Thu 9/2/21 3:42 PM