Canvas Admin Access Request

Elevated access to Canvas is available to users who have a demonstrated need for increased functionality within the platform. Some use cases for elevated access:
1) Dean, Assistant Dean or Department Chair role and responsibilities
2) Advising role and responsibilities for academic units
3) Technology support role and responsibilities for academic units
4) Reporting/data needs for university, college or department

We require current (within 12 months) FERPA training when the request is made; a copy of the completion certificate will need to be attached to the request. When requesting elevated access, please include information regarding the additional functionality required so we can determine the role that best fits your individual needs. In the case of job changes/terminations, we ask that a request for removal is submitted.

Levels of Access and Approval Needed

  • Canvas Enterprise: Root-level access to Canvas. Requires approval from the Provost Office (please enter Aaron Biggs in the Director/Unit Approval field).
    Canvas College: Subaccount-level access to Canvas, i.e. College of Engineering or College of Medicine. Requires approval from Dean or Assistant Dean.
    Canvas Department: 2nd-level subaccount access to Canvas, i.e. School of Computer Science or Department of Physicians Associates). Requires approval from Department Chair (can also be approved by Dean or Assistant Dean).


There are no costs associated with this service.


This service is available to all full-time OU faculty and staff.


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Service ID: 273
Tue 9/14/21 3:45 PM
Tue 7/16/24 1:42 PM