IT Security Exception

A security exception is needed when information technology does not meet the security requirements in OU IT Security Policies.  Exceptions can exist for devices, applications, systems, and business or technical reasons.   

Below are the most common exception requests.  

Read the knowledge base articles below before submitting your exception request. 

Exceptions must be documented using this form and require the approval of the Chief Information Officer, Chief Information Security Officer, and/or the Data Owner depending upon the level or risk introduced with the exception. 

All security exceptions must be reviewed on a regular basis by OU IT Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC).


There are no costs associated with this service.


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Related Articles (2)

The purpose of this Policy is to outline the acceptable use of Information Systems at all University of Oklahoma campuses. University of Oklahoma campuses include the University of Oklahoma-Norman, the OU Health Science Center, and the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa. These rules are in place to protect each campus’ information against loss or theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, modification, or destruction (each an “Information Security Incident”). Information Security Incidents


Service ID: 171
Tue 12/8/20 8:27 AM
Mon 7/22/24 2:18 PM