Adobe Creative Cloud Minimum Requirements


The base minimum requirements for the Adobe Creative Cloud suite is listed below. Note that some software within the suite requires higher than the minimum requirements listed however.

OS: Windows 7 SP1 or higher for Windows, OS X 10.9 or higher for OS X
HDD: 15GB per application; 5400 RPM; SpeedGrade and Premier require 7200 RPM
Processor: Core 2 Duo or Phenom II for Windows, Intel-based processor for OS X
Display: 1280×1080 (1680×1050 or 1920×1080 for SpeedGrade)
Required Software: OpenGL 4.x or newer, QuickTime 7.646 or newer, Flash Player 11.4 or newer, Adobe Air 3.4 or newer, Java JDK.

A breakdown of system requirements for the full suite can be found here.​


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Article ID: 352
Wed 9/9/20 1:24 PM