If your office has made a Dell purchase through the Marketplace website offered by OU Purchasing, you may look up your order information by following the steps below.
- To begin, please log in to the Marketplace website.
- Now select the Dell tile. A new window should open, if it does not, you may need to pause your pop up blocker.

- Once the site loads, click on Order Status in the upper left corner.

- Please note you will need to enter the fully qualified string of your Purchase Order (PO) number in the "PO Number" field. For example, in general usage most users will shorten their order number to 34621, while the actual full number you will need is in the format for you campus, such as NORMN0000034621 or OUHSC0000034621. This is the format the Dell system recognizes and it is required for it to locate your order in the system.