Cached information can cause old addresses and names to persist in your Outlook Client. When updates are made to accounts or staffing, cached information can keep these changes from reaching your Outlook Client. To force your Outlook to download the latest information, please try the following:
Clearing AutoFill Addresses
To remove AutoFill addresses from your Outlook client, please try the following:
- Open Outlook and click New Email.
- In the To, CC or BCC field, start typing the name for the user you wish to remove.
- Click the X icon to the right of their name once they are found. That should clear their cached information from your Outlook.

- Begin typing their name again and click Control+K (or click Check Names) to auto search the Global Address List.
- Find their name and then click OK to add the updated Global Address List card information to your Outlook.
Remove Duplicated Contacts
Sometimes duplicate OU contacts can be stored in Outlook, both from the Global Address List (GAL) and locally in your contacts. Removing the Contact version of the address will ensure that Outlook is using the updated information from the GAL. If you believe that out of date information for an OU user is being provided by Outlook, you may need to remove it from your Contact.
- Open Outlook and then click the Home tab. Click Address Book.
- In the "Address Book:" drop menu, "Contacts" will show previously saved contacts. If these addresses overlap with addresses in the Global Address List, they may be out of date. If they reflect out of date information, you may click the address to highlight it, then click File > Delete.
- This will ensure that the latest address book data is being pulled from the OU Global Address List.
Downloading the Address Book
If you are using Cached Exchange Mode, you may also force your Outlook to download a new copy of the Global Address List.
- Open Outlook and click the File tab.
- Click the Account Settings button and select Download Address Book.
- Leave "Download changes since last Send/Receive" checked.
- For "Choose Address Book" leave the default selection and hit OK.