Looking up your Incidents and Requests on ITSupport


For a listing of your ITSupport.ou.edu tickets that you have submitted, you may view a filterable list by using the steps below.

  1. To begin, navigate to itsupport.ou.edu and click Sign in in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Log in using your campus ID. 
  2. Once logged in, click the Portal for your campus or area.ITSupport Home Screen with Campus portals listed
  3. Your portal will now be displayed. 
  4. Next click on the Services tab to see the directory of service offerings. Norman Service Portal Home Screen
  5. Now click the Ticket Requests tab to see your current Open requests.Norman Service Portal Services Directory
  6. You can select additional filter options to narrow your search. You may also click the headings for the results columns to sort by those columns. Norman Service Portal Ticket Results



Article ID: 2569
Mon 11/8/21 5:27 PM
Tue 11/9/21 3:53 PM