iRIS Password Information


The userID and password for your OU HSC programs is the same for iRIS. Please note that the iRIS login is case sensitive, you will need to use all lowercase for your user ID, upper and lower case for the password. The iRIS website:

If there are any of the yellow highlighted characters below in your password, you will need to go to the OU IT Password Management page to change your password.

There are some key requirements for logging in to iRIS:

  • Enter your user name in all lowercase letters.
  • Enter your password using the case same it was created in. The password field is case sensitive to the original format of your password.
  • Your password cannot contain the following characters: < > [ ] { } ' " ; :

If you need to update your password to remove characters iRIS does not accept, you may do so at

If your credentials meet the criteria above and you still can not log in, try deleting your cookies or clearing your cache. You may also contact the IRB office at 405-271-2045 or email to confirm that your account is still active in iRIS.



Article ID: 2567
Thu 11/4/21 10:34 AM
Thu 11/4/21 10:34 AM