Follow Me Mobility


Follow Me Mobility (FMM)

The Follow Me Mobility (FMM) service allows your cell phone to function as an extension of your office phone. Incoming calls to your desk can now reach you anywhere you have cellular coverage whether you are moving around the campus or traveling around the world. This "one number reach-ability" means you can respond immediately to urgent business matters.

You control your availability by enabling or disabling Follow Me Mobility as needed from any phone. When activated, all calls to your office number ring at your desk phone and your cellular phone simultaneously. You can answer your calls with either device. With the push of a button on your desk phone, you can move an active call to your cellular phone without interruption allowing you to finish that important call while you are on the move. Conversely, when you answer a FMM call from your cellular phone you can switch your call to desk phone preserving your minute usage.

For calls made from your cellular phone, you can have the added privacy of displaying your office number as the caller ID. If you cannot answer a call, your office voice mail will answer the call and record your messages. Your cell phone still operates as it always has. Calls to your cellular phone number will be connected through your regular cellular service.

Mobile workers can now remain in contact without leaving a trail of phone numbers where they might be reached. You can eliminate the need for providing cellular numbers, home numbers, and pager numbers. By having all of your calls directed to your office number, FMM allows critical calls to be answered regardless of your location. Patients, student and other business contacts can now quickly receive the attention they need.

What is the Cost?

There is an initial setup fee of $25.00 for the "Follow Me Mobility" service which is non-transferable. There is no monthly fee associated with this service. All current charges that you are paying for your cellular service still apply. Using this service will impact your cellular usage and we do recommend that you review your current plan.


The "Follow Me Mobility" service is compatible with the following desk phones: 14xx, 16xx, 24xx, 46xx, 64xx, 94xx, 96xx, J1xx series. If you do not have one of the phones listed then contact the IT Service Desk to discuss your available options.

Placing the Order:

Contact your business manager or telecom coordinator and let them know you would like to add "Follow Me Mobility" to your office phone today. Upon receiving an order the IT Service Desk will contact you with your instructions and a user guide.



Article ID: 2292
Thu 5/6/21 11:09 AM
Thu 2/10/22 5:03 PM