How to install Windows 10 Updates after they continue to fail


  • Uninstall all Anti-Virus Software.
  • Go to Start, type msconfig and hit the enter key.
  • In the System Configuration window, choose “Selective Startup”, uncheck “Load startup items” and click OK.
  • Restart the computer.
  • Go to Start, type Services and hit the enter key.
  • In the Services window, look for the following services: Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Cryptographic Services, Windows Update.  Right click on each of these services and select “Restart”.  Right click on the Windows Installer service and select “Start”.
  • Go to Start, type %temp% and hit the enter key.
  • Delete all of the files in the Temp folder.
  • Connect to wi-fi network.
  • Go to the following weblink to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter:
  • In the Windows Update Troubleshooter window, click on the “Advanced” link in the bottom left corner > click “Run as administrator” in the bottom left corner > click “Next”.
  • Once the Windows Update Troubleshooter has repaired the issues, restart the computer.
  • Go to the following website: > click on “Update now” and follow the onscreen instructions to install the current Windows updates.
  • Once the Windows updates are finished installing, re-install the Anti-Virus Software.



Article ID: 2245
Wed 5/5/21 2:09 PM