How to install Windows 10 Updates after they continue to fail
Uninstall all Anti-Virus Software.
Go to Start, type msconfig and hit the enter key.
In the System Configuration window, choose “Selective Startup”, uncheck “Load startup items” and click OK.
Restart the computer.
Go to Start, type Services and hit the enter key.
In the Services window, look for the following services: Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Cryptographic Services, Windows Update. Right click on each of these services and select “Restart”. Right click on the Windows Installer service and select “Start”.
Go to Start, type %temp% and hit the enter key.
Delete all of the files in the Temp folder.
Connect to wi-fi network.
Go to the following weblink to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter:
In the Windows Update Troubleshooter window, click on the “Advanced” link in the bottom left corner > click “Run as administrator” in the bottom left corner > click “Next”.
Once the Windows Update Troubleshooter has repaired the issues, restart the computer.
Go to the following website:
> click on “Update now” and follow the onscreen instructions to install the current Windows updates.
Once the Windows updates are finished installing, re-install the Anti-Virus Software.
Article ID:
Wed 5/5/21 2:09 PM