- Visit
- Login with your network credentials
NOTE: If you have a group mailbox, please DO NOT login with your username and password. Instead scroll down to "How to access Proofpoint with Group Mailbox:" and access it there.
Once you are in, use the screenshot below for reference:
- Click on Quarantine in the bottom left
- Click on the Email Firewall folder
- NOTE: Even though there may not be a number there, still click on this folder as emails will populate.
- Select the emails you want to release by clicking on the check box
- Click on Release near the top
Once the emails are released, you will get an email in your inbox.
How to access Proofpoint with Group Mailbox:
NOTE: You must have a End User Digest setup for this mailbox. If you do not see one in your group mailbox, contact the Service Desk to opt you back in.
- Once you have the End User Digest e-mail, click on Manage My Account on the upper right. Again make sure you are in your group mailbox's digest. See the first screenshot for reference.
- Once you are in, you do NOT have to enter a password. If you see your personal email, please log out (upper right). Then click on Manage My Account from the digest email again. See the second screenshot for reference. Again this is ONLY for group mailboxes.