Using Email Encryption


OU IT offers message encryption which allows users to send secure emails. It is recommended that message encryption be used when sending sensitive data.

The following methods are acceptable for encrypting OU email messages and are not case-sensitive:

  • OUHSC [secure] or {secure} or (secure) or <secure> or [encrypt] or {encrypt} or (encrypt) or <encrypt>
  • OU [ouencrypt]

When an encrypted email is received the recipient may open the email by clicking on the attachment:

Once the attachment is opened the recipient will be prompted to sign in to view the email. To sign in, use your OU email alias:

Once you’re signed in, you should be able to view the email.

*Note: Users without an OU account may view the encrypted message by choosing the Use a one-time passcode option.


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Article ID: 178
Sun 9/6/20 2:01 PM
Mon 11/29/21 2:05 PM