Logging into Zoom From Your Browser or Client


Login from Browser.

  1. Navigate to https://oklahoma.zoom.us/
  2. Click Sign In.
    Zoom Sign In screen
  3. Type in OU 4×4 and Password.
    OU Username and Password page

Login from Client:

  1. Open Zoom client.
  2. Click Sign In, then Sign In with SSO.
    Zoom Sign In screen
    • Type in Oklahoma
      Zoom Company menu
  3. User will then have web browser open.
    • Type 4×4 and Password.
      OU Username and Password page
  4. User will be prompted to Open zoom.us, click Open Zoom.us
    Zoom open prompt
  5. Client will show as having been logged in.
    Logged in Zoom app screen

After having successfully logged in, access Zoom link shared by professor and join course.

For information about creating a free Zoom account, please visit this article.


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Article ID: 170
Sat 9/5/20 12:11 PM
Mon 10/23/23 4:13 PM