Unsure on which Work From Home product to choose? Use this guide to help decide. Please note, you will need to install PingID and then authenticate to get access to this program, please see this page for more.
Once you install GlobalProtect, we encourage users to Disconnect from it when it is no longer needed. If a GlobalProtect connection is started, and the user later puts their device to Sleep without disconnecting GlobalProtect, then GlobalProtect will attempt to reconnect over and over when it regains a network connection. These background reconnection atttempts will result in PingID authentication prompts throughout the day. This can result in PingID using up the daily limit of authentication text messages (if this method is in use by the user), and as a side effect, limit your ability to log in to other OU applications, sites and services.
Installing the Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN client on your OS X Device
- Download Mac 32/64 bit GlobalProtect agent.
- Enter your Username (OUNet ID or OUHSC ID) and Password and click “LOG IN”.
- Select “Download Mac 32/64 bit GlobalProtect agent”.
- If prompted, select “Allow” to download GlobalProtect VPN.

- Open the Global Protect installer and follow the prompts.
- From the GlobalProtect Installer, click continue.
- On the destination select screen, select the install folder and then click continue.
- On the Installation Type screen, select the GlobalProtect installation package check box, and then click Continue.

- Click install to confirm that you want to install GlobalProtect.
- When prompted, enter your computer's User Name and Password (NOT your OU account information, but the credentials for your computer), then click install software to begin the installation.
- When this security box appears, users MUST click the “Open Security Preferences” Button (NOT the OK Button).

- Click the lock icon in the bottom left corner and enter your Username and Password. Click the “Allow” button at the bottom of the “Security & Privacy” box to allow the Palo Alto Extension. Once Allowed, click the lock in the bottom left and exit.

- After installation is complete, close the installer.
- Launch the GlobalProtect app by clicking the GP icon (top right corner of the task bar). The panel will open.

- Set the portal address to and select Connect.
- Once the GlobalProtect client connects to the portal it will prompt for your username and password. Enter your OUNetID (4×4) or OUHSC ID and then click “Sign In”.
- When prompted, select OK to allow GlobalProtect VPN access to the Desktop folder. Accept the security policy by clicking the X in the top left corner.
- You should also now be promoted to accept the authentication in PingID.
- Once complete, the VPN should say “Connected”.

- To disconnect from GlobalProtect VPN, select the GP icon at the top of the task bar and click the three horizontal bars to bring up the menu. Click “Disable”.

- To reconnect to the GlobalProtect VPN, click “Enable”.