Connecting to WIFI@OU with Android and Chromebooks



Norman Campus

If you are on the Norman campus and need to connect to Wifi@OU on your Android or Chrome OS device, please follow the instructions below:

  1. To begin, open your network Wi-Fi settings.
    • On Android, go to Settings > Connections > Wi-Fi. A list of available networks should appear. Wifi selection menu
    • On Chromebook, in the lower right corner, click the Wi-Fi button in the System Tray then choose Wi-Fi in the Network setting to view available networks. Chromebook desktop with Network open on System Tray
  2. Now select WIFI@OU.  
  3. Make sure the settings match below and then enter your OU username and password under Identity and Password. Leave the anonymous identity field blank.
    • EAP Method: PEAP
    • [EAP] Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
    • [Server] CA certificate: Do not check or Do not validate
    • (Android) Domain:
    • Identity: Your OU Username (OUNet ID/OUHSC Username)
    • Password: Your OU Password
    • Anonymous Identity: Leave this blank Chromebook Join Wi-fi Network window with settings configured Wifi settings menu 


Device-specific notes:


  • Put the OU username in all caps under Identity.
  • Put the OU username in all caps under Anonymous Identity.


  • You may need to try connecting multiple times and/or exiting the setup and trying again.


Additional Notes:

If you have attempted to connect to any other OU networks such as OUGuest, you will need to first "forget" that network before attempting to connect to WIFI@OU.  For instructions on forgetting a wireless network, refer to the "Forgetting a Wireless Network" article.

For more information about WIFI@OU, please visit the "Connecting to WIFI@OU" article.

For more information about all of OU's WIFI Networks, please visit the "OU WIFI Networks" article. 


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Article ID: 154
Fri 9/4/20 10:13 AM
Fri 5/10/24 4:59 PM

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