Subscribing to a Public ListServ

If you wish to subscribe to an OU public Listserv, you can do so by performing the following steps:

  1. First navigate to and enter the name of the list you would like to subscribe to and hit enter.
  2. If you are prompted to log in, click "Login Required" and log in. NOTE: If you do not already have a listserv account, enter the email address you would like to subscribe with and a password to set up, and click "Register Password". You will be prompted to set up a new account: you will need to enter the email address you would like to subscribe with and a new password for your account. Once you have entered this information, you will receive a confirmation email with a link. Once you click the link from that email, a page will come up that says "Your new password was registered successfully". The account set up will be complete and you should be able to log in to the ListServ website with your new password.
  3. Enter the list name in the "List Name" field, hit enter, and then click the list.
  4. From here the user should click the hamburger menu near the top right and click "Subscribe or Unsubscribe".
  5. On the next page, fill in the name field and click "Subscribe".
  6. You are now subscribed to the list.


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Article ID: 793
Fri 11/13/20 1:36 PM
Wed 6/16/21 10:55 AM