Adding Laserfiche Repositories in VDI

  1. To begin, navigate to
  2. Select COOP Remote Pool. COOP Remote Pool menu
  3. Open the Laserfiche Application. Laserfiche icon
  4. To attach a repository, click the “Attach” button. Laserfiche program menu
  5. In the address field of the popup window, enter the server name where your repository is hosted.
    • See list of Servers and Repositories below.
    • For example, to add a repository from the s2-lf-app4 server, type “” in the address field.
    • Ensure the “Use SSL connection” box is unchecked. Laserfiche attachment menu
  6. Select the repository you want to attach from the dropdown list. Laserfiche attachment menu
  7. Click attach. Laserfiche attachment menu with Attach highlighted
  8. At the Login popup window, choose “Windows authentication” and click “OK.” Laserfiche attachment menu with OK highlighted
  9. You now have access to the repository. Laserfiche Repository display
  10. ​​​​​To attach another repository, choose “File” and “Attach Repository” and follow the same you used to add the previous repository. Laserfiche File menu
  11. To close the window for a repository, choose “File” and “Close Window.” Laserfiche File menu


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Article ID: 486
Mon 9/14/20 8:48 AM
Thu 10/5/23 9:30 AM