Integrated Robust Assured Data Services (IRADS) is a program of The University of Oklahoma developed as a top-tier provider of data for government operations and commerce growth. Specifically, IRADS exploits university-only high capacity networking and adds 24/7 monitoring and “industrial-strength” data source reliability.
IRADS also serves as a focal point to provide advocacy on behalf of all commerce interests for policy and processes to assure a robust, reliable supply of government data. Consequently, IRADS fills a unique role as a buffer between government supply and industry demand for data. The university uniquely grows information-based commerce via IRADS by developing and aggregating valued data sources and hosting application servers whilst connecting the government and industry clients to research and intellectual property needed for next-generation products and services.
To request this service or view more information about the specific features, conditions, and cost of this service, please see this page in our Service Catalog.